
Posts Tagged ‘lost love’

So, just as I was starting to feel lonely and sad… and a bit sorry for myself, I came across this quote:

“Perfer et obdura: dolor hic tibi proderit olim” -Ovid

It means: Be patient and tough; some day this pain will be useful to you.

It was just the reminder I needed that I don’t need to wallow in the moment. One day, this will be behind me, and I will be able to look back and understand how it has shaped me. Instead of being down, I need to immerse myself in my life and in creating the tomorrow I want. I need to work toward something, and right now, the only thing I can really work toward is a better life for my kids. I can do this, and I appreciate all the reminders God puts out there.

D, Sad we didn’t get the chance to talk, but I am really happy for you that you are doing something for yourself. It’s what I need to be doing, too. I hope you have a wonderful time and I look forward to the next time we can talk.

L, Thanks for the rampage this morning. It seems like just when I start having the slightest inkling of doubt about moving on without you, you do something that snaps me back to reality. If I heard you respond “I don’t care” one more time to our daughter, I was going to scream. It was especially satirical when you followed up one of the “I don’t care”s with a lecture about how she needs to be nice and how she needs to respect you! While I won’t show you disrespect, do you really think you deserve respect from any of us?! You had it, you terrorized us, lied, and showed no signs of integrity, so you lost it. Demanding it without making the necessary changes isn’t going to get it back. It just makes us respect you less. And just so you know, it is NOT my fault the kids don’t respect you. I make a point to be respectful of you. I never say anything negative about you around the kids, I never go against what you say, and when I disagree with what you are doing, I tell you privately. The only times I may cross the line, are when I tell you to take your hands off of them. I’m sorry if that bothers you, but I get tired of seeing the “accidental” bruises and being scared that you may take it too far. You have told me time and time again that you don’t know what you are capable of. If you don’t know, how am I supposed to know? You’ve told me that you have impulses when you are holding animals to squeeze them until they die. If that’s what comes to your mind when you *aren’t* angry, what am I supposed to think may be going through your mind when you are raging and holding one of our children by the arms?! Seriously, L, get a clue.

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50 Things I love (about you)…

1. The way you make me laugh
2. Your honesty
3. Your gentle spirit
4. Your intelligence
5. Your wit
6. Your charisma
7. Your playfulness
8. Your accent
9. Your gorgeous face
10. The warmth in your smile
11. Your strength
12. The color of your hair
13. Your style
14. Your masculinity
15. Your love of animals
16. Your kindness
17. The way you flirt with me
18. That you are so damn hot
19. That you are adventurous
20. The interest you show in others lives
21. The fact that you read “every word” of my blog
22. The way you interact with your son
23. That no matter what you do to yourself, you always look amazing
24. Your dedication
25. The sound of your voice
26. The way you seem to understand me
27. That you are outgoing
28. That you are hardworking
29. Your inventiveness
30. The way you sing
31. That you have a long tongue, too
32. That you’re crazy
33. That after all these years, you are still in my life
34. That you have a servant’s heart
35. That you are free-spirited
36. The perfect lines of your face
37. The perfect lines of your body
38. The way the corners of your eyes wrinkle when you smile
39. That you are a kid at heart
40. The shape of your lips
41. The way your neck looks like the perfect place for my lips
42. Your acceptance
43. The way you truly listen
44. Your courtesy toward others
45. Your willingness to take whatever life throws at you
46. Your thoughtfulness
47. Your ability to express your emotions
48. Your optimism
49. Your artistic talent
50. That you love me

It didn’t take me long to come up with this list, but I did put a lot of thought into it. If there is anything on this list you don’t believe, feel free to question it. I can be more specific.

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Just when I think that the emotional train wreck can’t get any worse, my mom calls. I love my mom dearly. She’s a wonderful woman who has done an incredible amount for me. More than I have ever deserved. Usually, I do fine with her lectures. I try to get the most I can from them. This one, though… she called wanting to know how I was holding up. “Not too well,” I tell her. Before I can even start to explain how much of a mess I am emotionally, she starts in on what I need to be doing for L. Really? I knew she had thought that I wasn’t worthy of L from the start, but the past year or so, I thought she had maybe changed her mind. I know she did, but apparently not completely.

Here’s the history. L and I met when I was 19… almost 11 years ago, now. I know I was horrible. I was immature. I was dealing with ending the bad relationship with A. At the first sign of trouble, all of A’s friends jumped in and started telling him that they had always known I was worthless. He was somewhat controlling. I had gone from the drinking and smoking pot and having girlfriends to trying to be the goody girl he wanted. He hated alcohol and drugs, and I was not allowed to do them. I had to end my relationship with my girlfriend if I wanted him to stay with me. The alcohol was easy enough. I’m allergic. I found out the hard way, but whatever. The girlfriend, well, ok. While it was fun, and I cared for her, she was kind of clingy and I had no intention of making a life with her. She didn’t, either. It was kind of sad, but we were still friends. The pot, on the other hand… I know they say it isn’t addictive, but I am absolutely addicted to it. I haven’t smoked a bowl in 6 years, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss it. Ok, back to the story… I tried really hard to give it up. I went from smoking it at least once a day to almost never. I smoked it once, at a party we were at. His friends. We didn’t hang out with my friends. He was too good for them. He was in another room sulking because that was what he did at parties. And I was outside with all his friends, enjoying the party. They were passing around a joint, so I took a couple hits. Whatever, no big deal. Until months later when one of his friends told him they were shocked that he would be with someone who would smoke pot. He flipped. He broke up with me. I was with a guy that was helping me with my programming class when A broke up with me. Through IRC, no less. I was… emotional, but trying to not care. I was angry. The guy was hot. So, we took advantage of each other. The next day, A said that he would take me back, and when I told him I didn’t want him to, he flipped out again and said that his breaking up with me was “supposed to be a one-day mind-fuck!” Thank you very much. Once word got out that it had back-fired, his friends came out in droves to tell him how messed up I was. They actually said that, at that same party, I had admitted to everyone that I’m homicidal. wtf?! Aside from the occasional spider or demon bird moth, I wouldn’t even consider killing anything. Plus, the people who said they heard me say it, weren’t even at the party at the same time, and A was with me when they said I said it! Stupid people. Get a life. So, anyway, A and I worked things out just before he left for another state with his job. We had been together for 2 years. He left. I went into an institution because I had been cutting myself. This was before they knew that it releases endorphins, so everyone just thought I was stupid and couldn’t figure out how to kill myself. It was right before I went in that I met L at school. And right after I got out that we started hanging out.

So, yes, I was a mess. I have spent the majority of my life dealing with all the psychological issues. But, I do the best I can. I’m always open to loving criticism. I even keep my heart open for repeated unloving criticism because I figure if it keeps coming up, there’s got to be some truth to it. When L and I started dating, my mom pulled him aside and told him that she felt sorry for him. Because of me. Because nothing good could come from being with me. Because I wasn’t worth his time. She has reiterated that sentiment periodically over the past 10 years. Even when I finally told her how horrible L could be to us, she seemed to think that it was because I wasn’t good enough. Like I somehow deserved the abuse because I was a failure as a human being. Like, that was really all I deserved anyway, so I should be thanking him for it.

It wasn’t until my business started doing well that my mom told me she was proud of me. That I had done well. I never expected it, so it was really cool. She has told me the past couple years that she would support whatever decision I made when it came to my relationship with L. And in the past few months, she’s finally seemed to understand just how much I have put into this relationship and how little he’s given in return. She’s been saying that I’ve put everything I’ve got into the relationship for the past 10 years and now it’s his turn to give a little. She said that again this time, but she was saying that I need to hold his hand through everything and keep pushing him in the right direction. Like I’ve just been sitting around waiting for him to care!? That’s one of our main problems. Even when I’m holding his hand and walking him through exactly what needs to happen or what I need from him, he doesn’t do it. He’ll spend his time pretending to be doing it, he’ll lie to me and tell me that he’s doing it, but when all is said and done, he’s really just been putting his effort into something else, instead. He hasn’t even started! And yes, I have dealt with my own shortcomings and psychiatric issues this whole time. He’s been wonderful in accepting me for who I am, craziness and all. I understand and take responsibility for my part in the failing of this marriage. But I have tried to save this marriage alone for the past 4 years!! I have waited patiently, taken the abuse, and tried my hardest to be the wife he needs, for him to decide that I’m worth anything to him. And my mom wants me to hang in here and continue to do all that endlessly? If he doesn’t want me, why should I!? What’s the point? She even went into how I need to have dinner ready for him when he gets home! I think we’re well past that! I’m tired of struggling to be the perfect, unwanted, wife. I’m just done.

So, sorry mom. Thanks for the pep talk. I’m going to take this “last chance” for L as my time to become emotionally and financially stable enough to go it alone. In my mind, my marriage is over. I will not wait for the man of my nightmares to come around and realize what he’s losing. He’s had plenty of time for that. And I will not pretend to be the perfect wife in the hopes that my feelings for him will return. That is not the life I want, and that is absolutely not the life I want my children to grow up to emulate.

As I was fighting to hold back the tears while my mom was lecturing me, my sweet, 4-year-old daughter came over to me, patted my arm and told me that it would be ok. Thank you precious, little girl. You are an amazing source of light in my life. I am so, so sorry that you feel the need to comfort me. That isn’t supposed to be your job. I appreciate it, and I will work harder to be your comforter instead.

D, we have all done things we aren’t proud of. I’ve even had my own “hamster” experiences. One day, if there is ever a chance, I will tell you everything about me. No one knows it all, though, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t even force myself to say how terrible I am. If you think there is anything in your life that you could have done that would change my opinion of you, you are wrong. You can keep trying to convince me, but I love you so purely and so completely that nothing can ever shatter that. There are no conditions to my love. You are you, and you have a beautiful heart that truly shines through, and I will always love you for who you are. It is that simple. I would give up everything (aside from my kids) to go there and be with you… even if it meant I could never come back.

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What to say?

We talked a bit ago, and it felt like we were able to talk for hours, but at the same time, it felt as though it wasn’t long enough. There was so much said and so much more left unsaid. Your openness and understanding amaze me! I’m not used to talking to anyone that is capable of that kind of honesty. Yes, I realize that I have an idyllic picture of you in my mind, but I know you have faults, and I wouldn’t expect it to be any other way. You have your faults. I have mine. It’s human nature. Those are all things that have shaped who you are, and I love who you are. You have openly admitted to me what you have done. That makes me believe that you have a good understanding of yourself and I believe you have a willingness to change. I’m sure with some of the things you know, you can probably identify with L, but L would never admit to any of the things he’s done. He acts like there’s nothing wrong, like nothing has ever happened. When he is confronted with something, he says he doesn’t remember doing it. Other times, he’ll bend the truth to make himself not look so bad. He makes light of the situations and he blames everyone else for the things he’s done. It’s not reasonable, either. It’s things like, “I wouldn’t have gotten so angry if (our daughter) hadn’t been talking. Her voice just gets to me. She needs to learn to stop talking when I get angry. Why can’t she just listen?” It seems so ridiculous even typing it out. That one comes up a lot. And the name is always interchangeable. I know I have an annoying childlike voice, but I rarely speak, so it’s not like I never shut-up. Heh, sorry for the bunny-trail rant. Now that I know you’re actually reading this, I feel like all I can do is ramble. I had a much more concise post typed out, but my browser crashed. Now I’m trying to get my thoughts straight and failing.

I’ve always hated being called by my name. I don’t think I’ve ever liked it. L only uses it when he’s angry and wants to make me feel uncomfortable. My parents never really used it. They both had tons of totally unrelated nicknames for me. When they used my name, it was never followed by anything good. For some reason, when I hear you say my name, it makes my heart skip a beat. I don’t know what it is, but I love my name when you say it. I’ve wanted to tell you that, but it wasn’t really at the top of the list of things to tell you.

I want you to know, if we do ever have our chance, I would not expect to be without the trials and heartache that come with any true, meaningful relationship. I would hope for you to accept me with all my faults, for mutual respect, and for honest communication. And know, that no matter what, wherever we end up, there is always someone who loves you, unconditionally. Also, now that I know you read this, feel free to comment!

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Tha mi duilich

D, I want to apologize for telling you how I feel. I’m not sorry that I love you, but I am sorry for putting you on the spot like that. Your happiness is most important, and I don’t want to cause any turmoil in your life. I hope you can forgive me. I don’t want to lose you as a friend.

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I Capture the Castle

I just watched I Capture the Castle. The movie based on the novel of the same name, by Dodie Smith. It was a beautiful movie and Dodie Smith really has a way with words. I was really struck by how eloquently she described the exact feelings I haven’t been able to find words for. One line, in particular, really resonated with me. In the movie, the narrating character, Cassandra, is day-dreaming about being with the man she loves, and shares this insight:

“But dreams are like a drug: the magic doesn’t last and then the pain is worse than knives.”

That’s exactly what my life has been like recently. It’s as though I am absolutely addicted to this perfect drug. I’m living in memories and fantasies and when they are over, the pain is overwhelming. Since I fell in love with D so long ago, my feelings for him have grown with each passing moment. I love him more today than I did yesterday, and I will love him more tomorrow than I do now. Along with the depth of my love for him, the pain has also grown.

How is it that I can know someone so well without even seeing them for the past 12 years? It’s not even like we talk all that often. And yet, every detail he shares with me, I already know. It’s not like he’s transparent, either. He has a certain image, and it’s so completely opposite from his true character. Not that his image is a façade, but that he would really surprise most people. I have an image of who he is locked away in my head and I keep learning more about him, and so far, the image hasn’t even been the slightest bit off. I don’t expect to know him completely, but it just seems like there’s something to the fact that when we talk, we can always pick right back up from where we left off. I’m sure I’ll sound like a complete romantic fool, but I know, with every ounce of my being, he is my soul mate.

I’ll take the pain since it means I get to love him. Is thu m’annsachd.

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Would the mistake be in trying and failing or would it be in never trying at all? I’m almost out of time, and I have two options. The options are so different, and they both take different steps to get to the end goal. I need to know which one to work toward. I need to know if you’ll have me. Either way, I need to become strong enough and independent enough to be on my own, but then after that, do I work toward a life here alone or toward a life with you? I know where my heart is. Where is yours?

Are you really going to find the happiness you deserve if you don’t take the risk? Your happiness is important to me, and if you think that you will be happy without me, then I will step back. I believe that I can offer you what you need, what you want, and what you are worth. You said that you don’t want to make the same mistake with me that you made with her. Is that really how you feel or are you trying to politely tell me to go on with my life without you?

Is fhearr fheuchainn na bhith san duil.

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I should be in bed as it’s already 1:23 AM, but I was just finishing up this picture that I want to send off to D with my next letter. I figured I would share it here, first. Again, I’m just starting to draw, so please, don’t laugh too hard (or if you do, tell me nicely!)

Good night! Sweet Dreams!

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My Zombie Life

I’ve spent my days in a day-dream… every so often, something will happen to shock me out of it, but within moments, I’m right back to having my head in the clouds. I realize I’m on auto-pilot, and the only thing that’s really getting me through the days is the hope that each decision I make, every little thing I do, is progress toward a life with you.

When I talk to you on the phone, there are so many questions I want to ask, so many things I want to say, but just the sound of your voice makes me forget everything. I want to just sit and hear what you have to say. If I told you that I wanted to come be with you, what would your answer be? I’m too scared to ask because I don’t want my heart crushed. It’s all I think about, though, and I think I need to know the answer so I know how to plan the rest of my life. Do I work at a life established here, alone, or do I work toward a life with you?

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I wonder…

I feel as though I’ve always known you… like, no matter how much time has separated us, I still know your heart, the true you. Can that be, or do I just know the man I imagine you to be? If I showed up at your doorstep, could you accept me for who I am? I don’t hide myself purposefully, but I am ashamed of my flaws (both physical and character.) I know we all have them, but would you love me in spite of them?

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